Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Day 13 / 30 Days

i'm sorry i've been so mia. this past weekend was long..and the beginning of the week even longer. of course..i've missed a couple days of my challenge so i am quickly catching you up today before i've got to jet and finish my remaining errands for the day!'s challenge asks for a simple fictional book. well nothing easier than that. besides my all time favorites HP, and the Time Traveler's Wife which aren't completely fiction (okay yea they are) my favorite..kind of "out there" odd book that comes in next after those two is the recently completed fictional series by Suzanne Collins

my friend Sena turned me on to this addicting read about two years ago and even though the idea of was definitely unlike anything i've read in the past, after the first 3 chapters i was a completely hooked mess over the kick ass Katniss and her quickly unraveling world. over the past two years the second and recently final book Mockingjay was released which i am currently on. however, i have to be honest and say that i've kept myself back from reading further than chapter 2, because i know i'm going to get hooked fast and things have been so crazy .. and i hate reading in chunks! so there. go get it. read it. LOVE IT. and be team peeta while you're at it :)

Other than my beautiful mom's birthday today which we are celebrating properly at her favorite mexican restaurant with the best margs around, all her favorite ladies and of course food I've got the final walk through with the venue for our wedding at 3pm! I cannot believe it is September first! My stomach has been up and down all day. It's going to be the shortest and hopefully less stressful than the last couple months, month during which it will hopefully settle in that I am going to be a married woman in 30 days. 

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