Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 24 / 30 Days TGIF

Quit busting my bubble. I know it's Thursday. But weeks are cooler than yours. For me, it's Friday!

Today marks my 8th straight work day and I am pooped. But not at the same time. I had a dance party in my bathroom this morning. Oooooh yes I did!
It was fantastic! So..even though my last day off really feels like a month ago..I'm not going to complain, because surprisingly, I'm coming out of it energized, happy, and dancing!

Maybe a little sad. Technically, today is my last day off work. But then again, not technically. By the papers today should be my last day at work. But then my replacement isn't going to be quite ready  over the weekend and so I agreed to help out Sunday & Monday one more time. so come Monday..THAT will be my last day according to me physically being at work and working. But for now, it's FRIDAY! And my weekend is stacking up to be a great one. 

But this post isn't about how great my weekend is going to be.. . Sorry, no. As I'm coming to the end at F21..I'm also coming to the end of my 30 day blogging challenge that really took me about 40 but who's counting? And today is day 24. Meaning it's..

your week in great detail

(guess what comes after?)

Which is really kind of unfortunate for you, because, even though I'm not complaining about working all week long, you will be :) But don't you fret kids. I'll let my creativity play it's part so let's do this!

Thursday (a week ago - well, YA I have to start with Thursday of last week or it's not a week!)
My work week begins. Honestly, do NOT remember this day in the slightest detail. 

Got sick at work. Had to leave early. Was a little scary for the afternoon. Drank it all better with J and a few margaritas. 

Fought with N. We had a stand off. I won. 


Enjoyed a mini German breakfast with coffee and the Sunday paper before work. 

Made a mistake at work. 

Dina went into the hospital with a relapse of her stupid brain condition. (Blog post for another time). Everything was fine and we discussed her stylish hospital fashion by the end of the day :)

Remember that detailed post from yesterday? Yea...about that. 

Is it 5pm yet??

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