Saturday, September 18, 2010

Asthma inhaler required

She makes your stomach hurt, your eyes tear up and you'll either be peeing your pants or knee slapping your hand red. When you're hanging out with my friend Amy and happen to suffer from difficulty breathing - be sure to take precautions. 

Jen: in her Jersey "here's my question. she's in the best fucking shape of her life because she runs every day. what the hell is she doing with all her sixteen children?"
Amy: "they go in their kennels."

discussing a guy friend's apartment strewn with random girls' items. 
Amy: "i wouldn't have had to walk the walk of shame from that place. i could've gotten ready for church."

driving through Amy's neighborhood noticing the cars lining the sidewalks to her house.
Me: "wow. someone must be havin' a fiesta!"
Amy: "oh, it's every weekend. it's either a quincenera or the Vietnamese new year."

arguing about the correct spelling of fajitas. 
Jen: "F-a-h-..."
Amy: "Wha-? Not..Faheeeeetas!"