Friday, August 06, 2010

Sappy or happy

Alright .. so I promise you guys I'm not a total boring, sappy person that just listens to slow songs and likes to be sappy all day. (I think I just like the word sappy). So when I faced today's day 2 challenge theme! I thought..favorite movie..again, not a fan of the "favorite" questions.

Nevertheless, I will answer :) and I have just the movie too. This is the type of movie I could quote all day long, watch all day long, and laugh at the exact same thing all day long.
Plus. Who doesn't love these two? Franko is hilarious not to much hot even in his red plaid pajamas. And Rogen couldn't make a scene that isn't funny. Or at least not one that's not going to make me laugh. 

So for my favorite movie, I would have to pick, hands down, 

Pineapple Express. 

(this is the best scene)

And now that I am thinking about it..after the week it's been..I need a heavy, heavy dose of Dale Denton & Saul Silver. 

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