Saturday, April 17, 2010

Six Senses Saturday

I am a newbie this week to The World is My Oyster's Six Senses Saturday and since I love being a newbie and participating in other people's blog series I am excited about participating is this week's edition!

The not so tasy Zicam drop I picked up from the store about 30 minutes ago to help me get over this stupid cold before it even starts. I heard they work really well though..let's hope so.

The lingering not quite cherry smell from the zicam drop :)

The rest of this year falling quite nicely into place.

My sister in law's dramatic girlfriend yapping away on the phone. She's on the opposite couch of me..and I can hear her as if she's sitting right next to me. Haha my sister in law just has the phone laying in her lap and this girl hasn't taken a breath in 3 minutes.

I'm growing out my bangs and there is this one piece that keeps falling into my face. It's driving me crazy!

Like this compromise is going to work out perfectly :) For more details check out my fiance and I are in the works of buying a house and hit a little road bump today that I think might actually be the best thing to ever happen.

If you'd like to participate head over to The World is My Oyster and play along! Make sure to link back to her blog.
What are your senses doing today?


  1. ooh i like that you took one of the senses figuratively! nice! :)

  2. haha.. i know that hearing from somewhere :D
    but in my case it´s my brother´s girlfriend :D

  3. i wana hear about this road bump...

  4. Thanks Julia ;) Larissa - The funny thing was that as soon as my sister in law got off the phone I said "You know that's what you sound like when you call me" :D We tease each other but it's so true.

  5. Ich komme aus Lörrach, in der Nähe der Schweizer Grenze :)
    Wo wohnst du denn im Moment?
    Bist du Deutsche?
    Es wär cool, wenn du zu meinem Sleepover kommen würdest :)
    liebste Grüße aus Deutschland :)

  6. @Larissa - Schoen :) Ich wohne seit 2001 in den staaten in Fort Collins, Colorado. Ich liebe es so sehr. Mit den bergern erinnert es mich an Deggendorf und Bayern :)

    Wohnst du im moment in Deutschland? Wie lustig das du meinen blog gefunden hast.
