Friday, May 24, 2013

Sunny Memo

I'm sending you positive thoughts for the day, as a reminder that we all need uplifting words at times. I happen to love quotes (woah watch out!) especially positive, inspirational, and happy ones and keep them close to me when I stumble across one that really gets my attention. I find that when I'm having trouble keeping my chin up and tending to my sanity in this roller-coaster life we live, I will recite and repeat positive statements to myself. Whether it's while I'm running or working out, driving in the car, waiting in the line at the grocery store, or simply have a quiet few minutes to myself. It works people.
Choose to be happy. BE happy. 

The best is when you receive uplifting words from others of course, and today I was that lucky. I had a much needed phone date with my dear cousin and friendsoulmate Katie and she had a healthy bowl of encouragement and inspiration to dish out to me. I tried resisting a little, but in the end I know she's right and it felt great to have someone remind you of your talents, tell you your awesome and encourage you to go kick butt. It's a blessing to have family & friends that know you enough to push you a little harder than you might originally like, past your pitiful self that is off on the sidelines and most likely the only person standing in your way to brighter days.

Happy Friday. BE HAPPY.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." 
 -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

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