Thursday, September 08, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

Hi loves. I hope that you had an enjoyable day and get to look forward to the weekend coming up so quickly again. (Monday's are such bummers and I have no motivation - yet you can always count on Friday to sneak up just in time.) Since I'm teaching myself to be grateful for even the simplest of days lately, it feels good to be able to say that I actually had a pretty good damn day. Work was ten times more manageable than yesterday even though I was in that building for a good tenhours. yuck.

Yet I feel accomplished and good about my workweek ending tomorrow mid day and preparing for our good high school friends' wedding this coming Saturday! I am so excited for the two love birds to get married and I think our first wedding anniversary coming up is putting me even more in the celebrateweddinghappiness mode! :) Expect some fabulous pictures from the weekend! For the remainder of the evening, I heated myself a searing hot, delicious cup of chamomile peppermint tea and am calling it a night. Holy shit I might even read something! :)

( I have to though, share with you this picture of my freaking adorable godson! 
Today was the first day of Kindergarten :) I miss that kid. )


And now for something I am very much looking forward to participating in for the first time (!!) :

awkward & awesome thursday

.  coming home from work to N hanging out with billy and being so wired from work that I sit down with them and find myself blabbing my ear off to them about work drama. you shoulda seen their faces. it's almost as if they're thinking "please don't let her sit down please don't let her sit down". I'm supercool. 
. having the best most punctual morning staff - no matter how hard I try to beat them I come out of the parking to garage to find my entire staff already sitting there waiting for me. talk about feeling sheepish. 

. reaching my first ever weight loss goal of 10lbs and fitting into my sister's dress I'm borrowing for this weekend. 
. (speaking of) ang&mitch's wedding weekend!!!! :) 
. remembering my shopping totes every time I've gone to the grocery store in the last (almost) 2 weeks!
. having worked such long days in such a short week means my work day will be cut in half tomorrow and I will be free after noon! woop woop! (i might even get a mani)


Alright so my creativity and maybe ability to think has apparently already punched out for the day so I guess I should too before I put you all to sleep with me. Happy weekend kids!

xo . jess

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