Monday, December 06, 2010

one word.


December 1 – One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

The word I chose to describe 2010 in one word is adventurous. So many things have happened this year I never could have imagined how fast it would fly by. With the anticipation of the wedding, while starting a new job, moving 3 times in less than 365 days, including half way across the country, starting yet at a new store, and coming back home before the year is over, starting yet again at a new store, all while being happily married. 

I would say adventurous definitely fits. 

The word I hope I would chose to describe the year 2011 a year from now would be accomplished. And since I don't have to explain why I chose that word, you're going to have to just stay tuned. :) All 365 days from now!

xo . jess

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