Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I heart my husband

I had a total blast from the past this morning as I was Facebook surfing. I never realized N had this photo album on his Facebook "Jess and I"
It is the sweetest album, because all the pictures in it are about 4-5 years old. Can you tell he doesn't care much about his Facebook upkeep? :) 

I'm working on my Hair Too{s}day as we speak ;) but I had to post these to hold you over. 



  1. OMG...you guys are so cute!! I think my favorite one is the second pic!! So typical of you both! I <3 you both!! xoxoxo

  2. Haha... This set of photos should have been titled "Jess and I, with Ryan & Elisa behind the camera" lol.

    I can name the location of all those...
    Cocktail Party,
    Cocktail Party,
    Cocktail Party,
    Elis's Car downtown in the parking lot off Glennarm,
    Nick nasty's CSU dorm!
