Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's HERE!!

I'm sorry. I'm so jumping on the bandwagon of Colorado rejoicing at the beautiful sight of the lovely snow!! You have to understand that we have not seen a freaking single flake all season long. Definitely not on Christmas!

And now we are covered in it and I'm holding my breath to see how long it will last! The best part about it, is that I have today OFF! :D :D And even though I couldn't get my butt out of bed until 10am because the boys and I stayed up too late, I came upstairs to a massive beautiful display of German breakfast with my favorite Sena on the way with a fat order of Starbucks!

mmmmhhhhh :) Right now I'm debating on what I want the rest of my day to look like. Spend it cozy inside finish a good chunk of The Historian which I'm officially and obsessively hooked on, maybe play some games with my fam (Yes, we're all home on a Thursday) oooor wrap myself in cozy layers, brave that snowy goodness and go cash in some gift cards from Christmas :)

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!

your happy as a button snowed in,

xo . jess


  1. I LOVE the snow bandwagon!!! :-) I'm jealous of your German breakfast and your day off, but I still love you. lol. I have The Historian on my bookshelf...should I start it once I've finished The Help?

  2. YES YES YES you should! It took me a little bit to get the hang of it, because you can get super confused as to who the narrator is, but it's eery and creepy and oh so goooood :D

    And Nicole, it miss you too!!! :P It's so beautiful and shitty out :) Just the way I like it!
