Thursday, November 04, 2010

I{'ve} Miss{ed} You

The weather is getting to me out here. I had a rockin' day on Tuesday at work. I was there 9.5 hours alone, it was the day of voting and the entire surrounding area had school out and lots of people were off work and after they all went voting, they came to the mall. It was nuts!
But then yesterday, the weather had dropped severely in temperature and it was rainy, and I woke up to go to work for another kick ass day and I could not wake up. All day. I even loaded up on a second bigger cup of java sometime afternoon, but I just continued to drag until the very last second of work. I came home to find Nick in the exact same state and we crash in bed just a little bit after 9pm! Although we both woke up at the exact same moment this morning, I've only gone as far as making two big hot cups of coffee, two slices of warm toast and back to bed.

I've needed a morning like this! It's my favorite way to blog. The last time I remember having a morning like this was about two weeks before my wedding. Just as much as people love getting cozy by a fire, I love getting cozy with just my computer :P Especially because ever since we've moved I've been pushed over the edge of losing all my friends to my computer. You all live in here now, since I can't just hop in my car to see you anymore, and so my connection to you via the www has become critical. 
Nick mentioned the other day that we might not be able to get internet for a few weeks once we move into our own place and I panicked just a smidgen.
But for now, everything is okay and I have more images for you. Back by popular demand from my best friend and newbie to the blogging world, Ryan I have more images of Michigan for you. This time I got to work way early one morning and walked the whole mall to see what shops we had. Well I had to show you some pictures, because this mall is just ridiculous. And I have a little picture of my store for you as well :) 

Three stories high, with palm trees, a concierge desk, and four fancy glass elevators. Look how far back it goes! 

My little store :) 

Even though I really don't want to go there today and wish today was already tomorrow which would make it my day off. Tomorrow is laundry day. Woopii. But if it's as gloomy tomorrow as it is today, I might just catch you back here tomorrow. I've had some really good ideas for some great posts lately. Things I've wanted to reflect on and some things a little more tangible than what I often post :) I've kept putting them off, because I was never in the right mood to sit and ponder, but maybe tomorrow will be the day. 

I'll need something to do while I'm waiting for my laundry to wash & dry. ;) 

I've also started my second smaller series for this month. A type of series I've not participated in, which is really odd for me, since it's all about picture hunting. If you haven't noticed it, you can check out all the themes here where I've uploaded the links to my posts that I have completed. 
I've wanted to participate in the 365 pictures challenge where you take a picture of something for a year, but again, the time isn't right yet :) And I had a blast participating in Becca's 30 day blog challenge, last month, I really want to start her 30 days challenge maybe next month :) so lot's of series to come! :P 

Hope your day is as cozy and slow as mine, 
xo . jess


  1. That mall makes Michigan not look so bad ;-)

  2. Are you at the Somerset Mall?

    ps- I love lazy mornings!

  3. Awesome mall! And is that your coffee mug? Cute!! Love reading about your life, sweetie! (o; Aunt Mertle

  4. I'll keep posting pictures for you :) And yes it is mertle :P Thank you. I love that you read along!
