Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Hair Too{s}day


to the very first blog post of my new 
weekly tutorial

Where it's all about our tangles, trials, and total successes 
of taming our hair. 

If you want to repeat & share my trials, post your successes, or share hair do's and styles you want to see me try. Bare with me, I will be trying out different technology, video vs pictures, etc - I will always appreciate feedback and tips! 

xo . jess

What you need: a comb or brush of your choice. a hairtie preferably thin. a few bobby pins in the color closest to your natural. hairspray. 

What you do: comb your hair. 
pull upper layers to crown of your head. 
gather the rest of hair to this point of your head. 
gathering strays and  smoothing out hair. 
tie with a hairtie securely. 
pull and tease ponytail. 
align top of bun with your chin for good position. 
pin up left over strays. 
if you have thin hair tease pony tail slightly. 
for me, i have all the craiznes i need. 
pull hair in circular motion and pin ends first. 
smooth down and flatten down bun on one side. 
keep smoothing and pulling around on the last side having three secured spots. 
tease and loosen bun. 
pin back new strays and lose pieces. 
fix bangs if you have them. 
double check for fly aways. 
hair sptray. 
pull out flyaways if wanted or smooth out for chic lock. 
smile and done! 

For a relaxed look: 

And your this years Holiday Season hair do is:


  1. Cute idea, love! Any holiday hairdos for short hair? I just chopped mine again :) It's med-neck length in front and a little shorter in back

  2. I really enjoyed this! I had a hard time getting all of my hair to stay up.haha but really it was fun and cute to try! I'm completely loving hair Tuesdays :) Can't wait to see whats next.

  3. oh jess du bist so süß!
    ich liebe es dir dabei zu zugucken wie du deine haare machst!!und es sieht jedes mal sooo toll aus!!!
    ich vermisse dich so sehr =(
