So I have decided to give you a shortened version of my weekend with a few pictures. Mostly for my own sake, but if you're interested and would like to read along I'd be delighted to have an audience :) And if you want to view more pictures than the ones I post here just go to my facebook page.
Day I
Nick and I left early Saturday morning out of DIA and flew into Portland, OR where Ethan's baptism would be held at the family's church later on that night. Once we arrived in Portland we had the best late breakfast with Katie and her husband Wade, and of course their boys Ethan & Joe. We spent the day relaxing, catching up and Nick was drooling over how green and simply beautiful everything was. And of course blabbing about how much he wanted to go fishing :). (What else does he talk about?)
The service was at 6pm, with family and small congregation. Ethan did great during the baptism and afterward we had a family bbq at my aunt Kathy's house. We had yummy burgers and hot dogs, the BEST dessert (brownie cups - YUM!!) and Ethan opened gifts. We were all pooped super early!! (We're so old :P) So we hit the hay by 11pm so we could get a good refreshed start to Seattle the next day!
The pastor playing a little tune for Ethan.
Day II
On Sunday morning we had a semi-early start. Uncle Walt made yummy waffles for everyone which we enjoyed with yummy syrup while we were all getting ready to head back to Seattle. Katie, Nick, and I were headed up to Seattle to sight see for the day and shop H&M! :D Wade was taking the boys back home, where we'd meet them for dinner.
We of course had to hit Pike's Place Market first. I had been there once before in high school , but Nick had never been. We were very touristy, taking our sweet time walking through the market. We got stuck on the pasta stand where we were tasting every single one of their vinegrette's which were ALL amazing! Nick and I ended up buying a balsamic garlic is sooo yummy!!! We'll have to try really hard to not eat it all at once! I was in love with all the colors and people and kind of went into my own little world taking pictures, taking in the smells of all the different sea food, vegetables, and produce.
I can't wait to frame some of these pictures! I'm starting to think "ooh this will make a great wall deco once Nick and I get our own house! :P Do I have wedding fever or what :D
Once we had walked the entire market we got these amazing burritos from a small stand in the market. We devoured them within 5 minutes! Well..I did :) But they really were the best thing I've ever eaten! Before we left to go shopping we had to stand under the sign and take touristy pictures. I knew I'd be mad at myself if I didnt.
H&M was nothing short of amazing :) Duh! But Katie and I managed to get out of there with our wallets still in pretty good shape :) I'll have to get some pictures of the great little treasures I found there!
After making it out of H&M alive we were all completely pooped and got back in the car to head back to Katie's house about 40 minutes back south of Seattle, to Yelm, WA.
We decided that were really wanted to see the beach while we were out there, so again we all got up early again on Monday morning, picked up some doughnuts for a healthy and even yummier breakfast and hit the road. :) Wade had to work so it was just Katie and I, Nick and the boys. A semi rough 2.5 hours later (Nick and I weren't used to the windy roads..we felt a little car sick once we got there) we finally made it to Long Beach. We stopped for some yummy fish&chips at a local diner and headed straight to the beach after.
I got some great shots of the boys at the beach. There's so many I didn't want to post them all. You can see a lot on my photography blog or on my facebook page.
The whole time Nick and I were there we kept talking about moving to the coast in the near future. And then we got a chance to sit in the sand together for awhile, while we were at the beach and it just made us want to move to the beach even more! It was such a great day. So relaxing and fun, the weather was that perfect beach weather where you need a hoodie but it's not cold.
The trip was so great - I hate when time goes by way too fast. I feel much better now that I finally got a chance to blog about it :) Hope you guys enjoyed my little trip. Can't wait to catch up on my blogging this week! Before I forget I have to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's day!! Even though this post will be going in after midnight..OH WELL :)
I've never been to Seattle (or Portland), but have always wanted to visit and this post, plus your pics on FB make me want to go even more! It sounds like you had a fun, but busy weekend. Those are the best!