Friday, January 07, 2011

Second to the Right, and Straight on til - wait, what?

Excuse me, do you know what day it is?
I woke up this morning in the dark with my phone on its third round of snooze. I can't remember the last time it was that hard to get myself out of bed. 
Things are funky around here lately. Reeeeaaaal funky. 
And then, when I turned away from N for the third time to hit the snooze button, I let my hand dangle over the side for a minute and sort of stopped; I could not for the life of me figure out what day it was. I just kept thinking "wait. Am I working today?" "wait. Is it Thurs- I have to go to the dentist today??"

That's right R.Patts! (Hey-maybe you CAN act?!)
By the time I got my ducks in line I was already running 20 minutes behind. Nothing a hot cup of coffee, no morning traffic, a Colorado sunrise, AND the KS107.5 morning show! :D 
If you live in Denver, you KNOW who they are. The funniest, makeyouspityourcoffeealloveryourdashboard
most hilarious morning show ever! :)

Nevertheless, my day panned out okay, more or less, until N shared with me yet more annoyingness that I've been having a hard time with lately, but I made it through through to McDonald's fries, sweet tea, icing my foot (keep reading - see Thursday), and watching Chicago with my mamacita. Who even let me vent my little lungs out, completely out of nowhere, after the movie. (Not about the movie :P) 

So, I am really sorry for being pretty much completely MIA this week. I've got quite the agenda tonight and I am saddened to say that you missed a pretty eventful week! 
Good thing I'm here now to recap you on all the juicy goodness.
You're welcome.
Let's use bullets. I ♥ bullets.

- N and I actually have a day off *together* for the first time since we were in MI together. Alas, we still manage to nag and fight the entire morning and on our way to catch a matinee of Harry Potter, kicking off our "date day". 
- Harry Potter ends up amazing. Jess cries through the ENTIRE thing (I think I'm more emotionally attached to those books/movies than I'd like to admit. Katie. I need you.)
- N and I snap out of it, walk out of the movie arm in arm and N kisses my forehead and laughs as I wipe away some left over tears. 
- We ditch our errands for the day, nap the afternoon away and stuff our bellies at Chili's for dinner. 

- My alarm fails to go off and I wake up 15 minutes before I have to leave my house. I rush to work with a super funky hair do and still manage to arrive 15 minutes late. Thank you Denver morning traffic. xo 
- Swiftly ditch work the second it turns 4pm and brave the afternoon rush hour traffic for a fantastic catchup dinner with my beloved and missed J. Oh, and did I mention? I'm gonna be a bridesmaid! :D 

- Yours truly, rolls out of bed in adorable morning sweats :P and a pretty bouncy ponytail off to the dentist for my follow up appointment since I had my procedure. - Dentist tells me that unfortunately, I have genetics to thank for a set of very bad teeth and we have quite a few procedures to go. Whoopi. 
Thursday 1 - Jessica 0
- I seize the chance to show off my grace and balance as N and I are carrying out Goodwill boxes to my car as I'm leaving to go to work. I step off the sidewalk with my heel and roll my ankle onto the grass, tearing a hole in my black tights and dropping the Goodwill box on my left arm. Thursday 2 - Jessica 0
- Running so late that I neither have time to change my hose, let alone grab a second pair of shoes. I later realize I have a fold down black pair of ballet flats in my purse - HALLELUJAH! Thursday 2 - Jessica 1
- Manage to put together a fabulous outfit and have a great close at work. Thursday 2 - Jessica 2
- Remember to make N take a picture of me so I could show off my rags to you guys. Thursday 2 - Jessica 3 (And that's how it's done!)

- Pulling off the ballet flats (I posed with the CUTE booties I had on for the picture. Screw the stupid ankle) and realizing that I can't deny a little swollen ankle and tenderness. and oh hey (!) it's starting to hurt when I walk - double whoopi - I grudginly lay in bed with an icy pack under the sheets. 
Thursday 3 - Jessica 3 (yea yea..)

- It was one of those "spittingmycoffeealloverthecar" kind of morning listening to KS107.5 and watching the Colorado sunrise :) (seriously, this IS the best place in the world)
- Most definitely rock my high waisted tweed trousers at work. Don't manage to get a good picture by myself after to work to show you :( fail)
- Surprise my mommy with fresh Freesias and a card when she comes home. :) ♥
- Spend the night on the couch, icing my ankle, indulging in McDonald's fries, and spending time with my mommy ♥ 

- happy weekend -

xo . jess


  1. I'm 110% attached to the Harry Potter stories, too! I cried both times I saw the movie. Maybe we need to plan a HP date and we can sob into our popcorn together and then laugh about it over drinks. :-) And, seriously cute outfit on Thursday!!

  2. McDonald's fries. Mmm. Have you had Wendy's new fries? Omg, hands down best fries ever. I could live off those. And just might.

    (Did I really leave a comment just telling you about fries? ...oh...)

  3. Thank you Erin. We need to start a list I believe of the things we need to do together :)
    And Brittney - you made me laugh out loud :) McDonald's fries are definitely comment worthy. And I haven't had the new Wendy's fries, but I need to!
